What are the taxi prices in Paris?
Taxi prices depend on distance, time, and service type.
How much is a taxi from Montparnasse to Gare du Nord?
Between €15 and €25, depending on traffic and time of day.
How much is a taxi from CDG to Paris?
From €53 for the right bank and €58 for the left bank.
How much is a taxi from Orly to Paris?
€32 for the left bank and €37 for the right bank.
How much does a 100 km taxi trip cost?
Between €120 and €180, depending on the driver’s rate.
What is the cost of a 30 km taxi ride?
Between €45 and €70, depending on the area and time.
What is the cost of a 20 km taxi ride?
On average between €30 and €50.
What is the taxi price per kilometer?
Between €1 and €1.50, depending on the service.